Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Enhancing Vendor Master

Enhancing Vendor Master

Requirement : Creation of Custom tab and Custom fields in vendor master transactions by using Enhancement spot technique.

Solution :
                1. Creation of custom field in LFB1 using append structure
                2. Go to configuration settings and mention the Tab name and screen names
                3. Implement Enhancement spot 'VENDOR_ADD_DATA'
                                                      Method : CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE
                4. Implement Enhancement spot  'VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS'
                                                      Method : GET_TAXI_SCREEN
                5. Creation of module pool program for designing of screen along with required fields
                6. Make the required fields editable in change transaction only.

Step 1: Creation of custom field in LFB1 table using Append structure .

Step 2: Go to SPRO transaction --> Financial accounting -- > follow the below path

and click on ' Prepare modification free enhancement in vendor master record ' 

Step 3: Click on ' New entries ' button to create new screen group.

 Step 4: Give meaningful name / name given by functional team and click on ' Label tab pages button  to give the new tab page name.

Step 5: Give the description and name of page as below.

Step 6: Go to SE18 transaction and create new implementation for Enhancement spot 'VENDOR_ADD_DATA'.

Here we have created implementation name as ' ZMM_CHGXXX_VENDORSAQ ' 

Now it will ask for BADI definition name and class name, Provide details as below.

Step 7: Go to SE24 transaction and give class name which we have provided in above step.

Go to method ' Check_add_on_active ' and use below mentioned logic.

(In below code, 'Z3' is our screen group name)
IF i_screen_group 'Z3'.

Step 8: Create implementation for BADI 'VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS' and also give class name and implementation name (same process as step 6 )

Step 9: Go to SE24 and give class name which we have created in above step.

Go to Method 'Get_taxi_screen '  and write below logic

MODULE status_9001 OUTPUT.
  IF sy-tcode EQ 'XK03'.

      CASE screen-group1.
        WHEN 'G1'.
          screen-input = 0.
          MODIFY SCREEN.

Here Z3 --> Screen group name,
ZTAB2 --> Function code/Screen name
'ZMMR_VENDORSAQ -- > module pool program that we need to create

'9001' --> screen number

Step 10: Creation of module pool program with above details.
Program name: ZMMR_VENDORSAQ
Screen number: '9001'

SE51--> Create

 Go to Lay out in the program

 Design the layout with required fields..here in our scenario we required only one field from LFB1 Table

Field name:  ZVENSAQ(vendor SAQ) and group name as 'G1'

 Now we are making this field editable only in change transactions by using below PBO Event

MODULE status_9001 OUTPUT.
IF sy-tcode EQ 'XK03'.

CASE screen-group1.
WHEN 'G1'.
screen-input 0.

Go to XK03 transaction, find the button which we have created 'Vendor SAQ'.
Click on that button and you will navigate to new screen.

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